Monday, February 4, 2008

True Religion

Isn't that the name of a clothing line?
Yes it is.
I just googled the name.
A Brand name.
Hoodies sell for $141.00 US
The cheapest jeans: $172.00 US

Sure defines our culture today.
That is a whopping exclamation point.
People in North Americal are passionate about fashion.
To a fault.

Our fault.

We stitch it on our asses, emblazon it across our chests...

Our hearts remain untouched.

" Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.
Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.....if anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight reign on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:22,24,26-27

We are addicted to looking in the mirror.
Our tongues rule us: in word (speaking) and deed ( feasting)
The funny thing is: we keep ourselves away from what we think is pollution... but by any other name is people in need.

People are not the pollution being talked about: thoughts...leading to actions..and beliefs are the corruptions he was talking about.
Ways of living.
Ways of doing business.
Ways of relating.
Ways of satisfying.
Ways of acting.

Accepting any other road map but the way of LOVE.

Religion: can be full of fault
Religion can be: impure


Religion can be FAULTLESS
Religion can be PURE

Religion ( Webster's Dictionary): (4) a cause, principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. ( attitudes, beliefs and PRACTICES)

Does anyone know a homeless person by name?
Does anyone know a welfare widow?
Someone dying of AIDS?
Does anyone know an orphan? In the system? Abandoned?
A single mom... a crack baby?
A FAS child?
An inmate?

By name?

They have names.
All of them.

I don't know many...for most of the list.

And that scares me.

It is possible to believe in God.

And not follow.

It is possible to preach about, talk about, read about...sing about... God...

And lose the way.

Jesus never stopped walking.
He never saved for his future...even the next meal's bread was entrusted to his Father's care.

We are the DIY Generation.
Do It Yourself.
We have the power to make wealth. ( some of us)
We have the power and smarts to ensure that our children are provided for...into their futures.
They can need God for other things than money, food and shelter. ( some of them)
Our future. Our children's futures. Safe. Secure.

What about HIS children.

Who are hungry.
Without water.
Without homes.
Without hope for tomorrow let alone ten years time.

Are we so busy securing our futures and those of our children...that we forsake following the path?

Who do we belong to?
Who do our children belong to?
Who do the widows ...orphans...juvenile hall graduates..street people..meth addicts..belong to?

We are so busy constructing a distress-less life for our own...
We forsake those actually IN distress...NOW

What are we going to trust God for?
When are we going to have to start believing in miracles again?

When we need them.

But if we have all the stuff.
If everything is working and secure.
If we have more than enough.

Why do we need him?

Where has he gone?
Where have all the miracles gone?


Seared into my soul.
Branded on my heart.
Blazing forth from my eyes.

Guiding my feet.
Filling my hands.

Shouting their names.

When all is said and done, I guess you can go and buy True Religion for $172.00 US online.
Or you can start selling.... have a garage sale... list on Ebay...or craigslist...
Find a walking stick.
There's a dust cloud in the might be able to catch up if you hurry.
I'm heading out myself.

1 comment:

Cher said...

I know an inmate...Karen, DeWayne ,Fas....nathan, Down's syndrome: peter, Emily, Anna....single Mom, Alyssa, Kathleen, Sarah,
Orphan?...Christine...They all have names....Just like me...and I am their friend...or I have been their babysitter or teacher....
True religion...can bring you to your knees.....
so can each of these people...because of their true you....
just like you......